9.julij 2021

Obveščamo vas, da smo, v luči aktualnih razmer in velike negotovosti glede nadaljnjega širjenja okužb z novim koronavirusom, žal primorani odpovedati letošnji Festival vojaške zgodovine, ki naj bi kot že tradicionalno potekal tretji vikend v septembru.

Do zadnjega smo bili prepričani v izvedbo septembrskega festivala, ki smo ga že vsi z nestrpnostjo pričakovali, vendar pa  podobno kot lani tudi letos zunanji dejavniki preprečujejo izvedbo festivala, ki bi si ga želeli tako obiskovalci kot tudi mi.

Upamo in načrtujemo, da bomo kljub temu lahko obiskovalcem v septembru ponudili obogaten redni program Parka vojaške zgodovine.

Vsem se zahvaljujemo za razumevanje,

ekipa Parka vojaške zgodovine


We want to inform you that, in the light of the current situation and the great uncertainty regarding the further spread of infections with the new coronavirus, we are unfortunately forced to cancel this year’s Military History Festival, which is traditionally scheduled for the third weekend in September.

Until recently, we were convinced of the September festival, which we were all looking forward to. Still, like last year, external factors prevented the festival, which both visitors and we would expect.

We hope and plan to offer visitors an enriched program of the Park of Military History in September.

We thank everyone for their understanding,

Park of Military History