The summer break is perfect for travelling, discovering unknown places, sightseeing as well as visiting exhibitions and museums. Park of Military History, presenting unique technical and military heritage, is definitely one of the sights one should visit.
In this year’s September, the Park of Military History will enrich its offer, expand its collections and exhibitions and gain new exhibits. The entrance in the museum centre has already been adorned with a new sculpture of a tank that will undoubtedly gain your attention.
On this occasion you are invited to visit us, take pictures of this particular ‘tank’ and become the author of the photo of our new jumbo promotion package. In the photo, there can be either your family, your friends or you. Be original and creative! Please, take into account that climbing the sculpture is not permitted.
Post your pictures on the Park of Military History’s Facebook page.
Conditions of use the participant authors need to take into account:
- An obligatory element in the photo is the sculpture of the ‘tank’ on the entering point into the Park of Military History.
- Each author can participate in the competition using only two photos.
- The photo can be format .jpg or .png and at least 2MB in size.
- Photos can be taken by a digital camera or by a mobile phone.
- Colour photos will be accepted.
- Photos are not to be altered using computer programmes.
- The authors agree with public notice/announcement for the needs of implementation and promotion of the photography competition as well as other promotion activities of the Park of Military History Pivka.
- The authors give their photos into use for free.
- By participating in the photography competition, the authors consent to the use of their personal information for the purposes of informing about the photography competition.
- The user/author guarantees the organizer of the photography competition that the photos are their own and original works, or that they have partial copyrights and that by delivering and transferring the rights to the organizer no copyrights and rights of other people were violated.
Into account will be taken all photos posted by September 20th, 2015, on the social network Facebook (Facebook page Park vojaške zgodovine / Park of Military History).
Evaluation will consist of two parts. The first part will include the key votes (likes) the photos will receive by September 27th, 2015, on the social network Facebook. From all the photos posted, ten with the highest number of votes (likes) will take part in the final evaluation. Each author is able to participate in the final evaluation with one photo only.
The second part of the evaluation will take place on September 28th, 2015; the top ten photos will be evaluated by the panel of experts, a photography expert and two representatives of the Park of Military History. The panel of experts will chose the winning photo that will decorate the promotion poster of the Park of Military History. The top ten photos will also be awarded.